Arcturus Star Being - Ariana
"The energy started to come into my crown chakra, I heard these words... they were so uplifing and wonderful of how their loving energies wish to help us. I am ARANIA, I bring you wisdom from Galactic Light streams for your heart activation, to bring you a greater sense of love, compassion and purpose for yourself. You seem to feel locked into certain limitations of self that we refer to as ‘blockages’ but in fact these are all in your mind, they are not truth, not real, but illusion.
We also wish to clear your illusionary mind thoughts of limitation, regret, uncertainty and rigidity you have or hold about your own capabilities to share your light love self to the world for that is your purpose and what you have chosen to fulfil. Do you remember?
Arrh we are here to help you remember who you are, your sacredness, your pure essence of love and all that you hold dedication to in your soul purpose.
Think of and see my energy like tiny grains of sand, each filled with luminescence – tiny fragments of love that make up a stream light of Arcturian Light to bless you with our Radiance.
We would like to begin expanding the heart first with filaments of light and sound, birthing a new clairsentience of intuition, with a higher light essence of what was…
You mustn’t fear your true power, this is your gift to this world. Allow our luminescence to fill your heart space now…. (Light Language spoken) This is to help change energetic programming that is sitting in my heart chakra to release what was placed there long ago, in another life time of sadness loss and despair which has only been compounded by my own loss and despair of my Brother’s death a few years ago – helping to clear compounded grief.
The Arcturians bring in energy to help us release fear of being who we are, of bringing our true essence to light (light language spoken)
Integrating that into my heart – (wait) releasing the energy of defiance, for being told what to do, and that I have been told I did something, but I did not do that at all. To release that barrier in the heart center around defiance, and to let bygones be bygones, to release things from the past, which is easier said then done, but if we send light and love to that situation that is a great start along with our intention to release that.
We wish to say that you are a bridge and carrier of light, to bring this bridge of light from the Stars down here to Earth to give that Light to others through activations of love, (which is so beautiful, If we can hold the energy of love within our hearts we can transcend anything that is happening to us.
Send love to your body, organs and cells that are holding pain or that are out of alignment. Be aware your body needs love and light, set our intentions to do that intentionally to send the energy of love from your heart to that body part, So that it can feel that energy, because love holds a vibration and frequency of pure love, love can transcend anything, love can transform pain and fear. That is what she is wishing for me to do – to Transcend with Love?
Love is the Power
Love is the Presence
Love is who you Are
Love and StarLight
Arania Essai – Light Ship Arcturus"
Picture - unknown
Coypyright Astara Crystalline Goddess 2020