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What On Earth is Going On?

I previously have been feeling unwell with a 3 day headache, nausea, sweating. Not feeling my happy self. I tuned into this beautiful Blue Star Being whom I have been receiving telepathic communication from.

You are feeling the shifts of Ascension – your body is struggling at times to keep up with the mass influx of light codes & energy.

The shifts are awakening the Light Body which is causing you to let go of old energies of suppression within – patterns of illusion which only to serve to keep you in the game.

Your vibrational lines of force are shifting as the Earth goes through her "axis shift"

We say GROUNDING is important and drinking plenty of water – you may wish to programme your water with “Light Commands”

  1. I release all of my old programming & beliefs which are no longer serving me in my 5th Dimensional Body of Light"

  2. Crystal Codes of Purification (Spirals)

  3. The energies of Joy, abundance & creativity

The Earth shifts are creating within us: - LIGHTBODY SYMPTOMS

1. Inner disturbances within the brain

2. Neurological function/disorders

3. Confusion, fogginess, dizziness

4. Disruption of equilibrium and balance

5. Feeling accelerated changes of 'unbelonging'

6. What was previously 'familiar' to you is now 'unfamiliar'

7. Mind/Consciousness shifts - what you thought & believed in (values) are no longer valid.

8. The New Energy does NOT support energies of control, manipulation, abuse and separation. These are dismantling, disintegrating and losing power

Your matrix is shifting as an influx of New Light frequencies are hitting the planet – This matrix holds all of your coding, genetic & DNA information. As it shifts its frequencies, the body then struggles to cope with the upgrades & this is what you term “Ascension symptoms”.

You ALSO have the energy of an eclipse of the Sun which heralds & brings through particles of light from the Great Central Sun for renewal & rebirth in every human whether they are “aware” or “unaware”. This then creates a great personal transformation of the self.

“You are the change you have been waiting for”!

It is indeed a time of rebirth & renewal upon the planet as the old paradigms fall into descent – this is what you see as chaos & unrest upon the planet – for the old will die away in order for regrowth re-birth & Divine Evolution to take place.

Energy Healing methods were given to harmonize the central axis and solar coding for the Auric field. This will be given in an upcoming meditation healing/workshop.

The strange aches & pains in your body are to do with your electro-magnetic body as it undergoes shifts & changes which affect your cellular structure, & structural system. -(Skeletal mis-alignments).

The immune system then weakens & which makes us more open & susceptible to illness, virus, pathogens & disease. “Man-made flu” is to keep you chained to pharmaceutical industry.

ENERGY EXERCISE - Tune into your immune system & see how it feels! ( We do this in our Intuitive Anatomy Classes)

GRIEF & lower emotions can affect the immune system – work to clear them.

Q: Why is there so much cancer in society?

Cancer is from environmental pollutions & toxins in the earth, water & food chain.

“Mass poisonings” are taking place. Look at the incident of cancer statistics from 50 years ago to now. There has been a huge increase in numbers. Also there has been an exponential industrial & technological evolution, which are partly to blame as it is in your advancements for the human race, you are in fact poisoning yourselves.

Thyroid Cancers are on the increase due to the radiation – direct & airborne.

Thank you for this information, it has helped me greatly to understand what is happening for me and others. I can feel that you are urging me to share this with others who may be feeling the same! AND SO IT IS.

Astara's Star Healing & Ascension Activations -

In Love and Gratitude

Astara xx

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